During the Dubai Global Police Summit, which took place last March, Dubai Police shared a pilot project, in collaboration with the Cardano Foundation. Dubai Police will use Blockchain to support their operations, searches and investigations.
Dubai Police are experimenting with modern technologies to improve their security measures and fight crime.
Businesses are increasingly looking to use blockchain in their daily operations, and for good reason. At the same time, many other sectors are also looking for new sources of revenue using this technology.
during Global Police Summit in Dubai Held between May 13 and 15, Dubai Police once again revealed that they have decided to use the Cardano blockchain to improve their security measures and fight crime.
In high, highlighted how blockchain technology developed by the Cardano Foundation enables the secure distribution of vital forensic information. This information includes, for example, an investigation into bullets embedded in concrete.
👈Read more: What is blockchain technology? Guide to blockchain and its uses?
At the same time, the blockchain technology offered by Cardano offers much more than just ensuring data integrity. It also improves data sharing transparency and overall security.
The technology offered by blockchain technology is used in a growing number of sectors. If blockchain constitutes a real weapon for law enforcement in Dubai, it also represents an opportunity for other sectors. Health, energy, education, media, entertainment, finance, IoT – the list of blockchain-derived products is long.
Although the pilot phase of integrating the Cardano blockchain into the Dubai Police Department has not yet started (or been announced), the Cardano community expects to see increased usage of its solution and of its protocol in the real world. Ultimately, the number of similar innovations and collaborations emerging in other sectors is increasing day by day.
👈Read more: Cardano Foundation and Dubai Blockchain Center enter into collaborative partnership
Generally speaking, blockchain technology is gaining increasing importance in the field of security investigations and data tracking, due to the unique features it offers that help improve efficiency, transparency and security. Blockchain uses a decentralized architecture that allows data to be recorded and stored in a way that makes it difficult to manipulate or falsify, making it an ideal tool for achieving these goals.
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