The legal battle between COPA and Craig Wright has been ongoing in the UK Supreme Court since February 5th. COPA accuses Wright of falsely representing himself as Satoshi Nakamoto eight years ago.
So far, Craig Wright has not proven that he is Satoshi Nakamoto.
In 2008, an anonymous owner, whether a person or a group of people is unknown, founded the Bitcoin cryptocurrency and its main network. For a long time, the digital currency community and financial market have been wondering who Satoshi Nakamoto is, his real identity and his origins.
Without a doubt, Satoshi Nakamoto is one of the most prominent innovators of the 21st century. This has changed the way the world views financial assets and the way financial exchange and interaction occurs. His personality has always been surrounded by many questions, and for more than 10 years people began to speculate: who is Satoshi?
There are those who said it Hal Vinnie And who says this Steve Jobs. While most prominent technologists have denied their involvement in Bitcoin and denied claims of knowing Satoshi's identity, Craig Wright, an Australian computer engineer, claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto himself! And he invented Bitcoin... but even those closest to him don't believe him!
The 53-year-old Wright's claims regarding his creation of Bitcoin have long been controversial in the cryptocurrency community. These allegations have led to a series of legal battles over the years.
Read also 👈 Did 10 Bitcoins Reveal Nakamoto's Identity?
A tense battle has been going on in the UK Supreme Court since February 5th. The Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA), a non-governmental computer engineering organization, is suing Craig Wright in hopes that he will officially declare that he is not Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, as he has claimed for eight years.
Although Craig Wright has so far failed to provide evidence to support his claims that he is Satoshi Nakamoto, COPA is seeking a ruling prohibiting the Australian engineer from claiming and acting as if he is the creator of Bitcoin. So stop putting pressure on the Bitcoin development community.
Craig Wright... the creator of the most famous digital asset of the 21st century or a self-confident fraudster!
Although we will have to wait weeks or months (if the decision is overturned) to hear the court's final decision on whether the decision will be overturned. Craig Wright He himself is Satoshi Nakamoto, and although Wright has not provided any real evidence to support his claims, the man remains confident and continues to repeat the same phrase: I am Satoshi, I created Bitcoin for you. !
In his post on Twitter February 13Wright maintained his position that he was the real Satoshi Nakamoto. So far, he faces the COPA organization, which includes some payments and trade specialists such as Block (the payments company founded by Julk Dorsey) and the Coinbase exchange.
The trial, which began on February 5, is expected to continue for several more weeks. COPA is asking London's High Court to make a ruling, or rather a "adverse declaration", confirming that Wright is not Nakamoto.
Read more about the mysterious creator of Bitcoin 👈 Satoshi Nakamoto without a mask: the story of the most important person in the crypto world!
The organization hopes that the ruling in its favor will prevent Craig Wright from harassing those seeking to develop Bitcoin-related projects. A COPA spokesman said the trial, expected to last a month, “will conclusively prove that Dr. Wright is not Satoshi. This will stop him from continuing to threaten developers."
Last month, Wright offered to settle the case amicably. Proposal rejected by COPA. So, if it is unknown who Satoshi Nakamoto is, perhaps we will soon find out who he is not!
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