Pavel Durov, founder and director of the Telegram application, announced on his own channel that the instant messaging application would share advertising revenue with channel owners. While payment will be made exclusively in Toncoin (TON). After the news broke, the price of the open network's native token, TON, surged by more than 30% hourly.
Telegram will reward channel owners with Toncoin (TON) starting next month
Wednesday afternoon, Announce Pavel Durov, CEO and founder of Telegram, said that starting next month, owners of Telegram channels will be rewarded for their work with the Toncoin (TON) cryptocurrency.
According to Durov's announcement, starting in March, the Telegram advertising platform will be open to advertisers from around 100 countries. And although all of the app's streaming channels generate 1 trillion views per month, only 10% of those views are monetized through ads, a promotional tool designed with privacy in mind.
Channel owners in these countries will receive 50% of the revenue generated by Telegram by displaying advertisements on their channels in the form of Toncoin (TON). However, users will have to use the open network blockchain TONNE (The Open Network) and its native token TON in order to make their payments. Indeed, according to Pavel Durov:
“To ensure that payments and withdrawals of advertising revenue are fast and secure, we will exclusively use the TON blockchain. (...) This will create a virtuous circle where creators can either cash out their TON tokens or reinvest them in promotion and the development of their channels.”
It is worth noting that in 2023, the number of users of the Telegram application reached approximately 800 million active users, a number that is increasing daily. Making it one of the leading instant messaging platforms in the world.
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On the other hand, many are those who are involved Social platforms Already its advertising revenues from its users. For example, Platform X (formerly Twitter) started rewarding content creators last year.
In the moments following this announcement from Pavel Durov, the price of the Toncoin (TON) token suddenly exploded by more than 25%. In fact, the price went from $2.1 to $2.9 in less than an hour. At the time of writing, its price remains up 15.5% over 24 hours at $2.51.
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